Police – 192
Fire Department – 193
Ambulance – 194

Tourist organization of Belgrade

Tourist organization of Serbia - www.srbija.travel

* Airport Nikola Tesla transfers:
Mini bus linе A1  - Ticket price (RSD 300)


* Currency
The official currency in Serbia is the dinar, abbreviated RSD. Money may be exchanged in all banks and post offices, as well as in authorized exchange offices.
 Dinar is issued in denominations of 10/20/50/100/200/500/100/2000/5000.
1 EUR is currently worth around 120 dinars.

* Credit cards: International credit cards Visa, Master Card, Diners are accepted in the most shops, airline companies, hotels and restaurants.
* Banks & Post offices:
On week days they are opened from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. On Saturdays they are  opened from 8 a.m. to - 3 p.m. In Belgrade, some banks and post offices are opened even on Sundays

* Electricity: As in most cities of Continental Europe, the electricity voltage in Belgrade is 220V. Electrical outlets are standard European.
* Water: Tap water in Belgrade is safe to drink.

* Time Zone: Belgrade and Serbia are located in the Central European time zone region – GMT +1 as of the last week in the third month until the Saturday prior to the last week of the tenth month.

* Shops: Pharmacy are opened daily from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. including Saturdays, while on Sundays they are opened from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Everywhere, there are stores open 24 hours a day. Markets are opened every day from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m.



  • Belgrade International Model UN - BIMUN
    United Nations Association of Serbia

  • + 381 63/202-463

  • 22 /III Makedonska street,
    11000 Belgrade, Serbia

  • bimun@unaserbia.rs


